“In an emergency” guide
- Step-by-step audio and visual instructions for administering Jext® in an emergency.
- The app provides a GPS location service and prompts the patient to call 999 in the UK, or 112 in Ireland.

Expiry alert service
Register with the free Expiry Alert Reminder Service to receive free alerts warning you when your Jext® is due to expire.
You will be notified:
- 4 weeks prior to the expiration of Jext®
- 2 weeks prior to the expiration of Jext®
- The day after the expiration of Jext®

Help on holiday
- The Jext® app provides phrase sheets to help you during foreign travels
- This contains translations for useful phrases relating to food allergies
- You can download travel certificates to take to your GP to sign before you set off on your travels

Allergy Lock Screen
- You can create your own custom wallpaper for your device lock screen from the app
- It lists important information about your allergy, your emergency contact and the location of your Jext®